Thursday, January 31, 2008

Taken For Granted?

Lately, the 69 bus has not been following a schedule in the morning, it seems. According to the schedule, a bus would leave the terminus at 7.29am and at 7.41am. Being just a couple stops away from the terminus, the bus usually arrives a minute later. I have been running late for work lately, and I arrived at the bus stop at 7.39, just in time for the bus to be pulling up to the curb. Ok, so it's running a couple minutes early. What confounded me was that we would pass another bus a couple stops later, and I know that there shouldn't be a bus right before ours!

So, I have concluded that it really didn't matter what time I left in the morning...a bus would come eventually.

Today, our construction manager left Boston to return to his home base, San Diego, California. He couldn't wait to get out of here, thanks to our lovely winter weather. However, when asked what he would miss the most out of his stay here in Boston, he surprised us all by saying that it would be our public transportation system, the T! Everyone started grumbling about how they couldn't stand using it, but Bob replied that there was no such thing in San Diego. I guess we do take for granted that we have this public service. Thinking about this a bit more: he only takes the Red Line from Kendall to Harvard every morning. The Red Line is the most efficient and thankfully, the only one he has exposure to.

However, he was headed to his next job out in Singapore. I told him, "wait until you get a taste of that Asian efficiency..."

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